Therapy Live!

I am recovering from #TherapyLive so this is brief!

I am leaving the site wide discount up on my shop until tonight, so you have time to grab a bargain 10% off my new Online Course and 20% off if you get any of the booklet bundles! CLICK HERE for the shop. (if you have any discount codes from previous offers they will also work on top! I know, i am insane)

Presentation Handout and the Therapy Live

If you want to access the recordings of the whole event CLICK HERE

Thank you to anyone who attended my talk and thank you for all the amazing feedback, i tried something new and I think it worked!

I will be taking a break for a few days but more content will be coming soon as well as a beautiful upgrade of this website that I am mega excited about thanks to the legends at you should 100% speak to them about marketing your stuff and your website or getting them to build one for you. I can’t recommend them highly enough!

See you soon!


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